20 Tips To Make Your Goals Stick In 2020

 We can see it now, 2020 is the year of your best you (yet, at least). We’ve compiled 20 of our top health “dos” and “don’ts” for you as you move into the new year.

  1. Focus on consistency.

    • Set yourself up for success from the beginning

    • Find a means of moving you can enjoy and do regularly

    • Listen to your body, when its ready for intensity and when its not

  2. Schedule your workouts at the beginning of each week.

    • Treat your workouts like a work meeting: planned and prioritized

    • If you leave your workout as a last resort, that is exactly what it will be

  3. Don’t be scared of carbs

    • Your body needs carbohydrates for energy

    • Focus on complex carbs: whole grains, organic vegetables (especially the leafy kind), and fruit

    • If you are regularly exercising, your body wont last long without them!

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4. Eat your healthy fats.

  • Healthy fats help your body absorb the nutrients you need to be healthy

  • Eating fats don’t make you fat - and its time to stop listening to that myth!

5. Prioritize fiber.

  • Fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream.

  • When your blood glucose levels rise to fast, they drop really fast.This can make you feel hungry again soon after eating, which can lead to overeating.

6. Don’t Be so hard on yourself.

  • Don’t adopt an “all-or-nothing” mentality.

  • Some is better than none.

  • If you end up off track redirect and refocus - you’ve got this.

7. Drink water first thing when you wake up.

(& regularly throughout the day)

  • Helps eliminate toxins from the body - fewer toxins means healthy, glowing, radiant skin!

  • Helps prevent dehydration

  • Other benefits include a clearer mind, strengthened immune system, jump start your metabolism, reinforces healthy weight loss, promotes healthy hair, and cleanses your liver & colon.

8. Don’t “Go hard” in every workout, every day.

  • Consistency beats intensity.

  • “You can make dinner without burning down the kitchen.“

  • Train smart with varied focuses and intensities.

  • Instead of having your workouts constantly tear you down, mix up your intensity routine to feel energized, recovered, and ready for the next challenge.

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9. Meal prep.

  • Convenience and ease are everything, help yourself out.

  • Meal prepping doesn’t have to be all or nothing!

  • There are endless options: chop everything up on Sunday, make all your lunches, or plan your meals on a calendar

10. Track your HRV.

(Heart Rate Variability)

  • Download an app like Elite HRV and take a quick reading in the morning with your bluetooth hr belt.

  • This is an amazing tool to measure how stressed your body is and if you are ready to push hard or if it’s time to recover.

11. Sign up for an event that scares you a little.

  • Challenge progresses us

  • It fosters productivity and creativity

  • It makes you more flexible for future situations

12. Do your mobility work!

  • Functional mobility is KEY!

  • It takes your joints through their range of motion and is so important for injury prevention.

  • A body that moves right, performs better.

  • It helps you get the most out of your other workouts!

13. Don’t compare yourself to others.

  • The only person you’re trying to best is the you you were yesterday.

14. Join an fitness community that cares if you miss .

  • Whether its an outdoor recreation group or a supportive fitness studio, connection is everything.

  • Having inspiration and support from others can make all the difference.

15. Set short term goals & set long-term goals.

  • Don’t worry about how far you have to go, just focus on the steps you need to do today.

  • Celebrate the small daily victories and create momentum

16. Do more yoga.

  • Offers a time for reflection and connection to self

  • Helps you manage stress & teaches you to live in the moment

  • Supports better sleep, helps the body detox, and aids in liver function

17. Schedule time for adventure with your friends and family.

  • The seasons and years go by so fast!

  • Be intentional and schedule those hikes, skiing and camping trips way ahead of time so you have ample time to prepare.

18. Track your macros.

(Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins)

  • Helps you become familiar with the nutrients you’re providing your body

  • Gives you a better understanding of what & how much your body needs to function best!

19. Celebrate the progress and journal often

  • What do you enjoy about your health journey?

  • What excites you? Energizes you?

  • Makes you proud?20. Make today your masterpiece.

  • Find a way to add a bit of good, put in the work, and create with intention. Your life = today + today + today.

20. Make today your masterpiece.

  • Find a way to add a bit of good, put in the work, and create with intention. Your life = today + today + today.


Kineo Fit goal getter membership

Everything you need to insure 2020 is your most successful year


  • 6 month pre-paid membership - Unlimited access to all our strength, power, ultra and mobility workouts

  • 6 months of accountability coaching and personalized nutrition coaching with a trainer with weekly and monthly consultations

  • Functional Movement Screening (FMS)

  • A corrective exercise program to make you move and feel better right away based on your FMS results

  • Includes enrollment fee and HR belt for new members

  • For new and current members!

  • Save $375 on this package now sale ends Jan 10th

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